
Thank you for visiting the funding page of the Dorking Community Bandstand.


When the idea of a community bandstand was first suggested, clearly funding was an early concern. Our work so far and discussion with those who have recently built or renovated bandstands has shown that we will need to raise around £330,000 to cover the design, build and installation costs of the plinth and the bandstand itself and to cover running and maintenance of the structure going forward in the early years.

Funding Sources

As with many projects of this nature we are seeking to raise funds in a variety of ways:

If you feel you could help with any of these ideas or would like to make funds available, please do contact us via the bandstand email address.

If you would like to make a donation now, our Lloyds Bank details are:

Account name: Pandemic Community Bandstand
Account Number: 74705468
Bank sort code: 30-96-26

Thank you!

The Trustees,
Pandemic Community Bandstand Charitable Incorporated Organisation